2008년 11월 10일 월요일

Discussion 6

중앙교육진흥연구소 middle school 1 / lesson 1.

part 2. Read and Think 본문

Analyzing the Chapter

This lesson deals with contents that students introduce themselves and greet when they meet someone first. so, Part 2 : "Read and Think" is composed of introduction of 4 students and here students can learn expression about greeting and introduction themselves. For example, some expressions are repeated and each sentence have regular order , first, expression of greeting , second, introduction their job , third, where they live and expression they using when they meet someone first . So, after finishing the lesson, students introduce themselves and greet with others.


This paragraphs deal with easy and simple expression relatively. Because students have to accept completely and speak free without textbook , teachers cannot help having students memorize. Then, students feel boring after reading this text and repeat expression.


In order to solve the problem , we choose activity that students learn expression interestingly. So, after reading texts, teacher shows the chants with rhythm and gestures by this expression and repeats some times with students. After finishing practice, teachers have students make a small group (4~6). The small group members greet and introduce themselves , using this chants. As a result, students can greet new friends and introduce themselves interestingly and learn the expression naturally.

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