2008년 10월 7일 화요일


TEXT BOOK 케이스 high school 1.

As students in order to move to higher language proficiency levels , it is needed to the use of integrated tasks. So, after students read all the passage, they have to do many activities for integrated- skills. Since this text books didn't involve listening tasks and writing tasks connected passage and speaking tasks lacks active communication each other.
First, students can speak and listen more actively with expressions using in real life by asking and answering with their partner to look for destination decided by them in the map. The teacher teaches diverse expression about this task in advance. So, more task for speaking and listening skill related to this reading passage(about travel) should be added active communication contents through process that students look for their destination in English with picture of map.
Second, It is a good writing task that students write a letter to imaginary foreign friend, introducing Korea's sight which they have been to. Students should use grammars and words they learned through reading passage.
These tasks will improve student's integrated skill and help students to understand more easily reading passage.

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